Stoney Clover Lane

Looking for a specific Stoney Clover Lane item? We have an amazing selection from SCL, updated daily available in our stores. To ensure the best customization experience possible, Stoney Clover Lane is only available for purchase in-stores. Our stylists are ready to help you place your order and design your dream pieces! See details on how to see the full assortment and place your order below.

Stoney Clover Lane
Stoney Clover Lane

How do I order Stoney Clover Lane?

Our stylists are ready to help you place your order and design your dream pieces. Fill out the form below to get started or call773-248-0400to place an order:


items sell out frequently & list is updated weekly

Here is a list of what we currently have in-store:

Stoney Clover Mini Glitter Varsity Letters Blanc

Stoney Clover Glitter Varsity Letters Blanc

Stoney Clover Glitter Varsity Numbers Blanc

Stoney Clover Assorted Rainbow Glitter Varsity Letters

Stoney Clover Pearl Letters

Stoney Clover Glitter Star Patch - Avocado, Periwinkle, Cotton Candy, Lilac, Sapphire, Noir & Peach

Stoney Clover Mini Glitter Star Patch - Noir, Avocado, Periwinkle, Grape, Sapphire, Lilac, Peach, Cotton Candy & Flamingo

Stoney Clover Glitter Heart Patch - Avocado, Lemon, Noir, Peach, Lilac, Sapphire, Blanc, Flamingo, Banana & Periwinkle

Stoney Clover Mini Glitter Heart Patch - Lilac, Noir, Peach, Periwinkle, Avocado, Grape, Cotton Candy, Sapphire & Bubblegum

Stoney Clover Glitter Smiley Face Patch - Flamingo, Lilac, Periwinkle, Sapphire, Avocado, Banana, Grape & Peach

Stoney Clover Mini Glitter Smiley Face Patch - Bubblegum, Periwinkle, Flamingo, Peach, Blanc, Noir, Sapphire, Lilac, Avocado & Grape

Stoney Clover Pouchette Pouch - Bubblegum & Sapphire

Stoney Clover Classic Mini Pouch - Grape, Bubblegum, Noir, Sand, Sapphire & Flamingo

Stoney Clover Classic Small Pouch - Sapphire, Periwinkle, Grape, Sand, Flamingo & Bubblegum

Stoney Clover Classic Large Pouch - Bubblegum, Periwinkle, Sapphire, Noir &  Flamingo

Stoney Clover Classic Slim Pouch -  Sapphire & Flamingo

Stoney Clover Classic Mini Duffle Bag - Bubblegum

Stoney Clover Classic Tote Bag - Cotton Candy & Bubblegum

Stoney Clover Double Zip Pouch - Bubblegum

Stoney Clover Classic Duffle Bag - Flamingo & Periwinkle

Stoney Clover Classic Backpack - Bubblegum, Flamingo, Periwinkle & Sapphire

Stoney Clover Classic Backpack With Pocket - Bubblegum Sky & Noir

Stoney Clover Velvet Heart Patch

Stoney Clover Bright Pink "First Aid" Mini Letter Patch Pack

Stoney Clover Bright Blue "Travel" Mini Letter Patch Pack

Stoney Clover Bright Green "Tech" Mini Letter Patch Pack